"You're waiting for a bus.. You don't know where it will take you but it doesn't matter.." Wait a minute this is false I know exactly where this bus is taking me I bought a ticket! And it does matter I've been waiting in this line for far too long. Some stupid hurricane oh what's her name? Ah yes Irene decided to show up and throw about a ton of water and wind.. Real cool..
So now there is a five bus worth line of people to travel on the one bus waiting interesting. Well as I usually do I disregarded rules lines and in general anyone with any authority. And by authority I mean the peter pan (or greyhound whatever the company is called now) bus attendants in their red uniforms Armed with pocket change to call someone with actual authority! In case something goes down.. Well actually no one uses change anymore so they probably have cell phones instead.
Anyway I walked past the long line to the front of the queue utilizing my always useful "uhhh no englessshhh" response to any protesters. But with all my sneakyness they split the bus lines up and summoned more buses so all in all everyone was happy.
Well except for the people in line who heard me speak perfect english afterwards.. Oops